Every year we go to the International Giant Pumpkin Growers Seminar in Niagra Falls, Ontario. Perfect opportunity for Blaine's first trip out of Ohio! Blaine had to say goodbye to "Stewie," the giant traveling trophy that has been living in our house for the past year.
Blaine loved the "Niagara Falls" part of the trip but HATED the "getting there" part. It is no secret he sucks with car rides. So we armed ourselves with books, toys, grandparents, and planned to leave Friday night around his bedtime so he would sleep. Epic Fail. HE CRIED HYSTERICALLY FOR THREE HOURS STRAIGHT. Gah. I'm so jealous of people who can actually take their babies places because honestly, it will be a very very very long time until I attempt to take him over 40 minutes away from home again. And that is a shame because he really was an angel child once we got there! He had so much fun!

Sorry to hear the car ride didn't go well! Hopefully he grows out of that soon! :D I love how Blaine is smiling right at the camera in the picture where your hubby is holding him. So sweet!
Bugger. I was hoping he'd get better with the car rides as he got older. Have you asked your pediatrician about it? Might be worth digging into...
How fun! Just not the car ride part. I wonder why he hayes the car so much... Is it the car seat? I'm glad the trip was fun and worth the struggle to get there.
I don't think it is the carseat because he is fine for trips around town, etc. I even put him in the car to get him to nap if he's being difficult, so he does like it. The problem on longer trips is when he is awake, he sees you there and wants you to pick him up / play, etc, and I think he feels "trapped" in there. He only cried for an hour and a half on the way home. ;)
That stinks about him hating the car still. I feel your pain somewhat. We took LD on a 4 hour car ride the other day and he was fine on the way there when one of us sat in back with him, but on the return due to sickness he had to be back there alone and he shrieked and got himself so worked up for an hour. He eventually fell asleep though, I can't imagine 3 hours!! I understand why you wouldn't want to take him on another car trip for a while. Hope he starts riding better soon!!
There is nothing worse than driving with a crying baby. Maybe he'll grow up the best traveling toddler ever :)
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