This boy is quick to smile, quick to laugh, but quick to turn on the tears. He is one stubborn cookie! Very much a busy body, the kid definitely wears me out by the end of the day! In fact, I'm out of breath just from dressing him in the morning! He looooooves his ducktub and I can't deny him a morning bath after breakfast because he is just squealing too excitedly to deny him the pleasure.
Blaine is definitely quite a talker but shy in public; just like his parents! He is eating solids MUCH MUCH better now and even took 4 whole bites of green beans yesterday! We are getting there!
Can't wait to see what this month brings our way. :)
Just catching up here, what a cute boy ` betcha haven't heard that one before! I'm sorry you have the only child that consistently doesn't like car rides. My girls were never the babies in the commercials that needed to go for a ride to nap, but on the wholoe they were fairly good, but I do remember putting my oldest "to bed" in her car seat and then when she was good and asleep we drove six plus hours in the middle of the night. Talk about lookin' car ugly! Even in spite of my putting rollers in my hair at our last gas stop before arriving at our destination. A mom's gotta do, what a mom's gotta do!
best picture ever! He is like a little viking explorer. Happy 8 month birthday Blaine!
Happy 8 Months, Blaine! You are such a cutie! Look at you standing! OMG!
I love that picture!!
Wow I can't believe how "old" he looks at 8 months. I think, in only 5 months could my little girl be standing? This little girl who hasn't figured out how to roll over yet! Tara's right, he does look like a little viking explorer. Totally love him!
Happy 8 months. Love that face in the first picture!
Aww! Eight months already?! Time is going too fast. See, four bites of green beans is SOMETHING, even if it does take forty tries:)
Yesterday I forgot to feed Avery food....he's only been at it for a week but still, I realized after I put him to bed that I'd only nursed him all day!
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