Thanks to Toddle Along Tuesdays I've found great new mommy blogs which have kids near in age to Blaine. Lots of new followers around here too which is awesome. Since some of you are new to my blog, I thought I'd do a series of posts to update you all on something I have yet to see on any other "Toddle" Blogs: Elimination Communication. A topic I feel VERY strongly about!
Lots of "Toddle" Bloggers have been talking about "making the switch" to cloth diapers now that their kids are a bit older. That is so great! But I'm hoping after reading this, a few of you will "make the switch" to putting your child on the potty!
When pregnant, I had no idea what EC was or what it was about. I discovered it on a blog and was skeptic of it working, but figured heck the potty is $10 and it would be great to possibly have 1) less diapers to change and 2) have baby potty trained earlier.
I have been doing EC with Blaine since he was two weeks old. The very first time I put him on the potty he peed in it. No joke. I was in disbelief and so was my whole family. Things only progressed from there and by time he was 4 months old he was using the potty for almost 95% of poops and the lots of pees. That is still where we stand. I probably only have to clean a poopy diaper once or twice a month. [Wouldn't that be great for all you cloth users!].
FAQ (and excuses):
Lots of "Toddle" Bloggers have been talking about "making the switch" to cloth diapers now that their kids are a bit older. That is so great! But I'm hoping after reading this, a few of you will "make the switch" to putting your child on the potty!
When pregnant, I had no idea what EC was or what it was about. I discovered it on a blog and was skeptic of it working, but figured heck the potty is $10 and it would be great to possibly have 1) less diapers to change and 2) have baby potty trained earlier.
I have been doing EC with Blaine since he was two weeks old. The very first time I put him on the potty he peed in it. No joke. I was in disbelief and so was my whole family. Things only progressed from there and by time he was 4 months old he was using the potty for almost 95% of poops and the lots of pees. That is still where we stand. I probably only have to clean a poopy diaper once or twice a month. [Wouldn't that be great for all you cloth users!].
FAQ (and excuses):
- "I work fulltime so can't do EC" - Kids relieve themselves after every wakeup. Even if you only put your child on the potty once in the morning when he / she awakens, you will start teaching him what the potty is used for and have one less poopy to change. In fact, Blaine usually only poops once a day and it is in the potty when he first wakes up. [and it is a HUGE poop].
- "My cloth diapers are just too cute" - Yes I heard this as an excuse on why not to EC. To do EC you don't need to go "diaper free" like some of the books say. I have carpet and Blaine is RARELY diaper free unless he JUST pooped and peed and I'm for sure for sure he won't go soon. So keep on using those cute diapers!
- "It is too much time" - It takes no longer to put the kid on the potty than it does to change the diaper. Just start small. At all wakeups. Kids dont pee / poo when sleeping, only when first awakening. When you take your child to the changing table after a nap or in the morning, just stick them on the potty to see what happens!
- "I don't know why 'sign' my child gives when he / she needs to go" - NEITHER DO I!!! LOL. I just put him on the potty and go "pssssssssssssssss" and he goes when I tell him to!
So my challenge to you, "make the switch"! Put your child on the potty once today after he / she first wakes up [or hold them over a sink or tub], say "psssssss" and see what happens!!!
P.S. There are books and websites on the topic if you google "Elimination Communication" or "Infant Potty Training". I have never read one book about the subject.