CRAZY to think we are about to hit the 9 month mark here with Blaine and breastfeeding. I still remember in the hospital and at the pediatrician the week he was born and they all asked "how long" I was going to breastfeed for.
"HOW THE HECK DO I KNOW HOW LONG," is what I thought. I mean I didn't know if we'd make it a week, a month, 4 months, 6 months, etc. Who knew if he'd even be good at, I'd like it, or if he'd be allergic to something in my milk (I was pretty unwilling to give up eating dairy, wheat, chocolate, and go on a diet of water as I've seen some girls do).
And then there's the topic of clogged ducts, mastitis, etc. I was pretty unwilling to go through any of those horrible things numerous times (as again, I've heard about others who have). But I'm pretty proud it has been smooth sailing so far (knock on wood) and he's never even had 1 ounce of formula.
Which brings me to my next point. It is getting close to where I must decide if I will be the one to lead the weaning, or if I want to follow his lead. Most people I know who let the baby lead, the baby weaned himself (both boys) at 1 yr and 15 months respectively. I read some blogs of people who still nurse babies over 18 months but all of those are girls. I do think there is a difference in extended breastfeeding for boys and girls. However, I haven't researched it.
It is interesting though that The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends bf'ing for 2 years but even my own mother says "breastfeeding beyond 1 year isn't really for the child, it's for the mother who can't let go". I'm not sure I necessarily agree with her; nor does the research.
Thanks for
Mama Em for making me think harder about this! :)