Still no teeth and that is A-OK WITH ME! I got my first tooth in my 9th month so I'm thinking it'll be sometime soon unfortunately.
Speaking of me, I'm always comparing Blaine to milestones in my baby book. I know boys develop slower than girls in some areas but he's been right on track with me for the most part. One thing I think he's going to be WAY slower on is speech. He jibbers and jabbers up a storm 24 /7 but he doesn't do mamamamama / daddadadada / gagagagagga yet. Definitely no words. I'm not worried but it is the only thing I "think" he should be doing that he isn't.
Tomorrow we head to the doctor but I already know this kid is going to have gained less than one pound in the last 3 months. His growth regulators are just now realizing that destiny has him at no larger than 5'6''. ;)
Aww cute! And yay for small boys :) Happy 9 months Blaine!
He's so cute in those pics! My baby babbles a lot, but so far the only thing I can reliably get from her is "Dada" and "Yeah". :)
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