"If you guys would just let me do the driving, all problems would be solved!"

My one major complaint with sleep training is that Blaine has a new cry for situations when he is hysterical: THE DEVIL SCREAM. It sounds like the devil has taken hold of his voice box and just LET LOOSE. He figured it out on night 1 of sleep training and now uses it in all sleep crying spells and on most car rides. Even if the drive is only for 1 mile. Before, when he was hysterical in the car, earplugs would block some of the noise and you'd end up at your destination pretty darn rattled and stressed. But you'd get there. Well now with the DEVIL SCREAM in his reportoire, when he is in the car, earplugs won't help you a darn bit and you won't arrive at your destination because you will either have turned around and gone back home, or you would've killed yourself. No joke. I honestly think that child is damaging his vocal chords by doing what he is doing and I know he's damaging my eardrums. If he is hard of hearing when he gets older I will know why.
A few people on my facebook suggested letting him face-forward. SERIOUSLY?!! Not only is that AGAINST THE FREAKING LAW IN OHIO it is 100% unsafe. I've read the suggestions and their reasons. That kid will not be facing forward until he is 2 or even older. I'm the parent and he's the child. I win in that decision.
So we will install another carseat and see how that goes. Wish us luck! I'm sick of not leaving my town just because my child is an absolute nightmare!
I didn't know it was against the law until age 2! My rear facing carseat is only good until like 22lbs, then I was going to switch to the front facing one. I guess I should check MD law!
We can't take Wes anywhere either. Let me know how the new carseat goes! I am bummed that the recommendations changed for switching kids to face forward - Austin did get better when we turned him around, and I was looking forward to that milestone with Wes. Oh well, another year of local-only car trips...
((HUGS)) I truly hope a different car seat helps the situation. Hooray for you for keeping him rear facing until 2+!! It really is the most safe way to ride. LD really does like his covertible car seat much, much better.
I'm so thankful that Logan falls asleep in about 5 seconds when the car is running. I can't imagine trying to go places with him screaming. I really hope that changing carseats works for you. We are going to rear-face as long as possible too. It really is so much safer. Are there any toys or anything you can hang off his car seat bar or attach to the seat back to try and entertain him?
OH dear..........that is a problem but I am sure he will stop...eventually. ;) I would not turn his seat to face forward at his age either.
Hoping you can stop by my farm and say hi.
We have a DVD player with two screens (one for each boy) and that really seems to help - maybe worth a try? My mom got it for them for Christmas - it's a panasonic.
Have you talked to your pediatrician about the possibility of him getting carsick? I'm not sure how you'd know but maybe you could try baby zofran (not even sure they make that) or something and see if that helps?
it was all I could do not to comment on the whole front facing at aprox. half Blaine's age comment on your facebook. I'm assuming since you mentioned it here that person doesn' t read this. Ian faces front in my mom's car because the carseat she has is too big to rear face. When she has it that way it touches the front seats and that's dangerous too. Since I'm short it doesn't in my car so he is still rear facing for my car.
I didn't turn Ian around front facing until he was two and the right weight to be safe. I think Blaine will like the second seat you have better,Ian did. It isn't even the law that made us keep Ian rear facing. It is the fact that it is so much safer in an accident. Good idea about the DVD player though. Ian loves his video's and you could play "Baby Signing Time" for Blaine. You can borrow some of Ian's to see how Blaine likes them before you bother to buy any. I think we may get a car DVD player for those long trips to Cinn and see if that helps.
Hopefully the new car seat works out for Mr. Blaine. We put Eli in a new car seat when he was like 5 months old because he hated the infant seat so much... now we have no car problems!
Just coming back to add I second the Baby Signing Time DVD suggestion. Its like crack to LD. I save it for when nothing else seems like it will soothe him. The I minute he hears the intro music its like instant calm wherever he is.
heather, i totally know! i deleted the thread because it was so full of bad parenting it was just plain out EMBARASSING!! woa. ok.
we have some pretty strict rules in place for that child including: no cell phone until he graduates high school, no dog, no disney world (unless grandparents / friends take him 'cause i sure the heck aint), and no DVDs in the car. he will hate us but we will stick to our guns!! (i say that now but stay tuned 10 yrs from now hehehehee).
hahah Christy you sound like I did before I had Ian. The only tv he was going to watch until he was at least 5 or 6 was Mr. Rogers and Seaseme Street. He was going to eat totally healthy foods, now I offer him pretty much anything and everything except sweets.He also wasn't going to have any sweets until he was in school cept on special occasions like holidays. Oh and he was going to sleep in his own crib and get himself to sleep at night. oh how our plans change!
Oh no! I'm sorry about the screaming. :( Good luck with the new carseat!
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