Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Merry Christmas: Santa Fail

I'm one of those people who gets stressed out about Christmas presents. Like I hate them. Really hate them. Really really hate them. I hate bringing them home and having to find a place for them. So in turn, I basically don't buy people Christmas presents, and if they insist on getting me something, I request toilet paper, toothpaste, soap, batteries, etc. Things I can use. I kid you not, I get them too. It is great! Some people don't listen and some of their gifts end up at Goodwill. I kid you not.

Now that I have a child, I had a Christmas dilemma. Last year we didn't get him anything. This year I bought him 4 used books on Amazon.com for $0.01 each [ok yes you have to pay shipping], but caved and let him read them the minute they came in the mail. {Santa Fail #1}. I also was planning on giving him a bag of hand-me-down toys [thanks George / Peg / Heather] from "Santa". Well, last minute, Santa decided to not come again this year, so Blaine can get the toys in February when the toys from his grandparents have worn out their welcome and we are reallly having cabin fever! {Santa Fail #2}

Let's face it though, Christmas is all about having fun and playing with your cousins!! Blaine had a great time doing just that! After four Christmas gatherings, the dust is settling, dadda is back to work, and we are getting back into a routine [NOT]. Babies staying up until 11 pm is a recipe for long-term messed up schedules! ;)


Elizabeth said...

Oh girl, I am the same way. Presents just stress me out, and you have to find a place to put all the STUFF. We didn't buy a thing for G this year, and I specifically told the grandparents NO TOYS (they are taking over our house as it is). I told everyone who asked what we wanted- cash and Pediasure! Glad ya'll had a lovely Christmas- it really isn't about the presents, especially when they don't have a clue what's going on anyway!

Peggy said...

trying to pick a gift for everyone at Christmas always stressed me out when I was your age too. It is hard to know what to get someone and most gifts aren't liked or needed anyway. So one year I told all the extended family we would not be exchanging gifts anymore, a Christmas card was good enough. I have stuck to that all these years and it is so nice and less stressful. I think it is less stress for everyone else also. It is pointless to let the season be anything but fun and relaxing and it is not about gifts. Just tell everyone no gifts and stick to it.