Blaine had such a great time at his (and mine too) first pig roast. Blaine's dadda and great uncles did a fabulous job butchering and roasting up the piggy that Blaine's great grandpa had raised. Yum!
Blaine helping dadda watch the progress:
Putting a gourd on his new buddy, Bugle:

Giving mommy's pumpkins some love:

Is it just me or does he look like 5 years old in this pic?!

Glad he didn't ask to take Bugle home. ;)

He is just sooo cute!! And roast pig...yummy!!
Oh my gosh! Who is that big kid in the picture? ;) He looks so old!
He DOES look old in that photo - holy cow!
OH my! He is so adorable!!
Oh my gosh I love the picture of him with the gourd and the dog! So cute!! :o)
He loves that dog! :)
So cute!! He looks very grown up!
Whoa! Roasting an entire pig? How long did that take? Sounds delish of course though:)
it took 10 hours!! [was butchered and prepared the previous day though]
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