There are some strange things we call monkey nuts around these parts. Don't know what you call them where you live. Googling let me know they are actually called hedge apples. Most people pick them up and put them around their house to scare away spiders. I can't say I've ever tried that, but this advertisement on a weather website caught my eye:

Lol, we called them Monkey Brains, but I think I like your name better!
We use to call them Monkey Balls! We'd play with them at my aunt's house and throw them as if they were hand grenades. (I know lovely) And if you got hit by one it hurt like "heck".
Fun memories though of playing and using our imaginations playing through the acres of land my aunt & uncle had.
actually - that's an osage orange. More of a southern tree - I think deer will eat them, and the wood is sometimes used for fence posts when locust isn't handy. Where I grew up we called the little spiny balls on sycamore trees monkey balls...
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