Since all your comments about blog-world-jealousy made me smile and even laugh, I thought I'd share some sunshine with you. This kid got himself into the above situation when I was in the other room doing laundry. SOOOOO FUNNY! So I got him diapered and he did it again, and again, and again, allowing me to get ample video footage. :)
If it's hard to see, he gets up by climbing on the water bottle holder! I should have had a clue when I found him a few weeks ago stuck there with his foot wedged in the holder. Mommy fail!
Hahahaha!!! I love it.
Avery's always climbing on crazy stuff and scary the crap out of me but he's better at it than I think. Always.
A triathlete in the making. Adorable!
Oh my gosh! Where did our babies go!? What a big boy. So cute to watch him maneuver his way up there. Go Blaine!
Too funny! He's got that climbing thing down!
Oh my gosh - it's like he's got sticky toes to get up on that thing! And so proud of himself too - such a cutie!
That just had me dying laughing! We've had some. Pretty crazy climbing stories over here too, but nothing quite that creative. Hahaha.
What a funny picture and video! I'm so glad you were able to get it on video... what a memory! Is that foreshadowing??!?! UM>>>>
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