YIPEE! WE MADE IT! BLAINE GOT A GOLD STAR! [What I think is just an arbitrary thing that nurse ie grandma barbara invented hehehe].
But still it is something worth shouting to the rooftops: BLAINE MADE IT TO HIS ONE YEAR BIRTHDAY WITH NO DOCTORS VISITS FOR ILLNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just his well visits and that one weight check. I'm probably reallly in for it this next year. EEK! Crossing fingers that the breastmilk magic can continue to keep my babe healthy awhile longer 'cause we all know I'm not super careful with germs. Yes he touches shopping carts and playground toys and dirt and floors and once even a public toilet (EW).
The stats are in:
Height = 29.37 inches = 40 %
Head = 18.35 inches = 60 %
Weight = 18.54 lbs = 3 %
The doctor says the low weight can mean he's either going to be a little guy or he has a disease. However, NO SIGNS ARE POINTING TO A DISEASE AT THIS POINT. So, "keep doing what I'm doing." I didn't get in trouble at all. Phew!
OMG, that's awesome! I know who to go to when we have a little one now...
Yay for Blaine! and YAY for tiny babies :)
Way to go on not being sick! Faith hasn't been to the doctor for any sickness (like a fever) either yet!
Great job on the no sick visits - that's awesome!!!
1. Woohoo on the gold star! And woohooo for not being super careful about germs!!
2. It is interesting how little space is between weight percentages. Eli weighed 22 pounds at his 12 months appointment and was at 50% for weight. So, 3.5 pounds = 47% difference!
Check his weight on the breastfed chart - I think you'll find he is just fine :)
Congrats on a year of a healthy babe - I would argue he is so healthy BECAUSE you aren't super careful with germs. It allows the kid to build up an immunity to stuff! (That, and of course the breastmilk.)
Yay Blaine(and Mommy)!! I have to agree with both the comment about the breastfed baby growth chart and that allowing him exposure to all those germs is building his immune system up well. Congrats on the gold star!!
Holy cow, NO illnesses! Go Blaine! Major huge enormous gold star for him!
WHOA so awesome to have gone the entire year without illness. That is HUGE HUGE HUGE!!! Great job, Mama.
I totally agree -- allowing germs is the way to go :) Except in our case, I think the daycare germs are another story. Yikes.
Happy birthday, little guy!!!
Happy Birthday Blaine!!!!! Wow, can't believe it's already been a year.
Such a cute little guy too. It's funny that his head size is in the 60% and his weight is so low! I know so many breast fed babies that are low on that chart because it's written for formula fed (so counter logical if you ask me) so don't even worry about that silliness.
Catching up on my commenting ... sooooo glad that things went well :) Way to go, and hopefully that eases some stress! I'm anxious to find out Elle's height/weight - we have her well-baby appointment in about 10 days, but we both think she had a growth spurt in Ohio!
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