Today's the big day! In true Blaine style he got up at 2:53 AM last night so he'd be awake at 3:09 AM to celebrate! We had his party yesterday and it was amazing thanks to his super awesome grandparents who helped out hosting, cooking, baking, etc. He is one blessed little guy and we are blessed to have him in our lives!
The last year flew by and was everything I thought parenting would be and more. He is the light of my life and his smile melts my heart.
My friend is going to take some actual "One Year" pictures later this week; my skills just aren't up to par! But I made the white 1 to use, since stores only seem to sell letters. I'm excited!
Yay! Happy Birthday Blayne!!!
Happy birthday to the little guy! I love that duck cake and his facial expression eating that piece of cake :)
Happy Birthday little man and congratulations to his wonderful Mama! Have a great day.
Happy Birthday Blaine! What an amazing year. He seems like such a fun little guy. It's been fun to watch him grow and develop this first year.
Happy Birthday Blaine! Looks like a super fun celebration. Love the big #1
Happy Birthday Blaine man! The party looked great and I love the #1 you made for his pictures. I can't wait to see how they turn out!
Happy birthday Blaine! What a big guy! Can't wait to see the pics!
Another Happy Birthday wish!!! Blaine does not yet know just how lucky he is to have such a great mom and dad ... but he will :)
Happy first birthday to your little one!! And congratulations and happy birthday to you guys as well =)
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