I've been wishing for a giant winter storm to hit Ohio pretty much this whole winter season. I keep seeing the east coast get slammed with 20 inches at a time and my heart is full of envy! The ground has been white here about 95% of this winter but it has been coming in 2 inch increments. Well my wish almost came true but then it turned to FREEZING RAIN. So now I have so much ice on my house / deck / driveway, I can't go anywhere and am still sitting here waiting for those 20 inches of snow I want so badly. Boo.
In other news, I finally have tabs across the top! If you haven't checked them out yet, give them a click. :)
As far as naps and sleeping, we've had to used "cry it out" a few times lately after nursing / walking / etc fail and he always cries less than 10 minutes. His night wake ups have settled back down to only 2 so that makes me happy.
Blaine went to his first night-time winter geocaching event. We were going to leave him at home but unseasonably warm temps changed our minds! We only stayed an hour and a half and he did great! Even snoozed a bit and when awake, never made a peep!

He's a little trooper!
Sounds like the sleeping is going in the right direction! I hope it continues to improve.
love the new tabs on top! I read up on ya... ;) I think that'll be my next "blog makeover".
Haha, well have you gotten your storm yet? We're currently finishing up our very own blizzard here in Missouri. hehe
I think your snow made its way to our house. Those two feet of snow are expected to be finished up tonight in NY. Luckily we got a snow day today!
I'm so glad he's sleeping more at night. You should move up north a bit. We've had snow on the ground almost all winter, including several snow storms of a foot or more.
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