I'm pretty sure Nick's been dreaming of this day his whole life: taking his child icefishing.
[and before you call child-protective services on us, we are less than 30 yards from our backdoor in this pic and the ice was 12 inches thick]
He's already stated that he needs to buy a 2 man shanty for next season. :)
My husband would love to have a son to take fishing one day (he thinks that little girls are too chatty and will scare the fish away, lol)
lol nick made it clear that it didnt matter, girl or boy, they were going to be going fishing with him!
Love the shades!
Nick looks thrilled out there! Bonding already, they will be inseparable!
how sweet !looks like a very proud daddy.
Such cute pictures!!! 12 inches of ice!! Woah!!!
PS--thanks for sharing your experience today. It was comforting knowing that many other people had errors on their first test. And yes. That 3 hour test really was rough!
Who in their right mind could possible turn either of you in?! You can have all of my mud and pea planting for a little of your frozen water and snow. Uh, wait, um, it might actually be too late in the year, unless of course you gave me your summer tooo!
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