The number 30 seems so surreal. Never thought I'd get here and now that it I'm in the 30's, I feel like the end is soooo close.
Yep, I'm huge now! Don't let my mom hear me say that though, she will exclaim, "YOU DON'T KNOW HUGE!!!" It has got to the point where I had to hit up Goodwill for some large t-shirts because I only own mediums (one disadvantage to having a husband exactly your size means you can't wear his clothes when you are pregnant; they are just as tight as your clothes LOL).
My child is definitely crazy crazy. I'm totally ADD and Nick is very hyperactive (I'm convinced both of these traits failed to surface until our 20's and that is the only way we were successful in school). So it is no surprise that most days I wonder if Wilbur will ever go to sleep. He kicks on the right side, flips and kicks on the left, and then flips and kicks on the bottom. I'm wondering how some girls are already worried about "the position" of their babies before week 30, because here at week 30, that kid definitely goes in 5 different positions in 10 minutes time. It's all good though; I don't want to go through the "36 hours of no feeling movement" scare again!
Yesterday was the weirdest of all! He flipped a funky way he's never flipped before and instead of the usual kick / flip / bubble out my belly, he was kicking very hard repeatedly over and over and over to a specific rhythm. THIS WENT ON FOREVER! It was like he was mimicking my heartbeat; in fact, if I didn't know any better, I'd have thought my heart detached and was trying to break out of my lower belly. FREAKY STUFF.
Nick says he is definitely going to teach Wilbur how to "slug slug slug" across the living room carpet but NOT teach Wilbur the dying raccoon.
Are you sure Wilbur doesn't already know the dying raccoon? All four of my girls were crazy movers and shakers up until the final days. There were times Dirt would crack up because it seemed my "belly" was on sideways! I would say that my girls used my ribs as chin up and monkey bars! The video is hilarious, by the way.
You look great!
Glad to know everything is going well. I know it sounds weird, but enjoy these last few weeks. You will miss this. I know you don't think you will, but you will. :)!
Your belly is gorgeous! I can't wait til 30 weeks! Just 7 weeks to go. I can do this. hehe
I haven't gotten any maternity clothes either except for some that were donated to me. I like my clothes!
Looking good! Good for you for keeping moving...
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