As some of you know, I've been doing Elimination Communication with Blaine since he was 2 weeks old. Some people say "it isn't really potty training", but it absolutely is. I've basically been potty training Blaine since birth.
The peak of his potty effectiveness was definitely 5 months to 10 months. In that time period, he often had "one diaper days" where every single poop and pee went in the potty. It was awesome!
Then he started walking.
I think walking opened a whole new door of adventure and freedom. He suddenly was way too busy to sit on the potty and unless it was at a wakeup AND he was "in the mood" to sit, there was no way he was going to sit on that potty. He would kick, he would scream, and I wouldn't push the issue. I was changing poopy diapers for the first time since he was a newborn and I would always say, "Blaine, you pooped in your diaper. You know poop goes on the potty!". Then one day about 14.5 months old, it clicked again. He started pooping on the potty regularly but only in the mornings. If he had an afternoon or evening poop, it would go in the diaper. Even if I knew it was coming and tried to put him on the potty, he would just sit there, and then get up and poop in the diaper 10 minutes later.
That is pretty much where we stand now. It is currently 2:30 pm and he's had the same diaper on since this morning. He's peed twice on the potty and pooped once so it has been a good day so far.
So let me explain my 'disappointment' [I use quotes because obviously I'm thrilled he knows how to use the potty and uses it so much, so I don't want anyone to think I don't appreciate that]. I thought by now he'd be more communicative. I've taught him the ASL sign for potty and he has never used it. I thought he would walk to the potty when he has to go. He never has.
In conclusion: I still think EC is pretty much the BEST THING EVER and I would do it all over again with child 2. I just thought by 16 months we would be further than we are with him initiating the communication regarding when he has to go.