Never thought I'd still be breastfeeding past one year but things have been going so smoothly it would be tough to give it up at this point. I can honestly say though that if I had went back to work, I probably would have quit. Or just breastfed when I was home. I absolutely would not have made it if I had to pump for a whole year. I have a hate hate relationship with my breastpump. As of July 2011, it was packed away for good and if I leave Blaine with a babysitter, he gets some [gasp] leftover free sample formula. KUDDOS TO ALL MOMMIES THAT EXCLUSIVELY PUMP AND / OR HAVE TO PUMP AT WORK! You are heros to your children and heros to me!
Luckily only one person has asked me when I'm going to "quit" [my dad] and I just looked at him and said, "Who cares? I don't know" and that ended the conversation. ;)
So glad you aren't feeling pressure to stop. I think breastfeeding is a relationship between baby and Mommy and no one else should interfere for sure. I wish the pump and I had forged a relationship that allowed me to continue past a year but we were lucky to make it a year. Although LD had sniffles and a fever two days ago that left Mommy feeling quite guilty that she had stopped pumping fresh.
Congrats on making it to a year. And I think you have a great attitude toward continuing to breastfeed. Now that my son is here and we are happily breastfeeding (so far) I don't see myself wanting to stop at a year. I'm going to continue as long as I want to, and hopefully my husband will be on board with it and and our families will get on board or keep comments to themselves. I'm glad those around you are supportive.
You should do what is good for you and Blaine. What is the hurry?
Kudos for making it this long - it's a huge accomplishment! Keep going as long as it suits you both!
You are awesome for making it this far! I often dream of a day of not washing bottles :)
Congrats Mama! I am going on 9 months and loving it more everyday. I HATE my pump but I have to reform a relationship in a few weeks when I go back to work. UGH!
Congrats on making it to a year!! Good for you that you aren't letting outside influences pressure you to stop. I also packed up the pump, it's such a good feeling!! :)
One whole year of breastfeeding! Yippee! I can't believe we're at nearly 8 months. Yeah I have no desire to quit either. Mostly I love it. So how long do you think you'll continue? Realistically? I'm just wondering if I'll go all the way to 2 yrs or if she'll self-wean before then.
That is awesome! I exclusively pumped for 9 months so I know how tough it could be. Congrats
Well done! I'm still nursing a bit here and there...I'm ready to be done, but Wes isn't, so I'll let him call the shots. 15 months and counting...I was done with Austin by now, but I was also pregnant with Wes already...I think I prefer my current situation :)
Have you given Blaine any cows milk yet?
I love that photo. And hooray for still nursing :)
Ug I hate my pump too - so glad I was able to quit my job cause that sucked!! Kudos to the moms you mentioned but also kudos to you for BFing past one year!
I answer in kind of the same way... "a year? I don't know..." I'm pretty sure I'm going to go past a year.
Breastfeeding rocks. I exclusively breastfed for six months....no bottles, no formula and still no bottles or formula but lots of food has been introduced. I'm so glad you're still going.
I find it to be the most peaceful, stress relieving, happy bonding activity I have every taken part of....aside from sex, except that sex isn't usually peaceful haha.
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