I realized I didn't tell the WHOLE story about Blaine sleeping in yard on the blanket, until a few commentors posted about being "jealous" he would just conk out like that. (bwwwaaahaha, so far from the truth). We we had carried him around for about 2 hours while we planted, rototilled, etc etc etc. On a walk to my grandma's next door to grab the bean planter, he fell asleep in Nick's arms. We tried to transfer him to the blanket and he woke up (transfers never ever go well), so right then and there I whipped out the boobie to NTS (nurse to sleep; a cool acronym that I'd never heard of until babycenter about 2 weeks ago). Luckily my parents and grandparent weren't home so no one could really see the spectacle! LOL.
Honestly, I know I've created a monster with the NTS and it is a habit we can't break easily. But the truth is we've tried creating sleep associations (song, lovey, etc), and tried CIO (the kid gets tense and hysterical if you even approach his crib), but this is what has been working. There are definitely days it doesn't work and I have to let him cry, or go on a car ride, or take him in the backpack awhile, but you do what you gotta do for the naps! Hey I have a friend who has to put her THIRTEEN MONTH OLD in the infant carseat and swing it over and over with her arms until the child falls asleep for naps. SO IT COULD BE WORSE! LOL. But I know I don't have a kid who will ever fall asleep in his high chair while eating, that's for sure!

^^Nick getting ready for the tranfer. And below, me fixing the damage!
Ours won't fall asleep either if there is any sort of activity going on - their little eyes will barely stay awake but if you try to get them to be still for just a second they're wide awake! The garden looks awesome - you must be having nicer weather than we're having these days...
Just catching up. What wonderful photos of all that you are growing - mostly the boy! I really like all the garden and baby sleepin' on the blanket photos - and I so know about packin' a baby around doin' farm work. I think about how I used to do that while I work the Market Garden today and I bet I won't feel near as tired as I usually do!
I used to NTS until he weaned at 8 months (he was being supplemented when my milk supply tanked at 9 weeks+) but he still would nurse to sleep. I was so afraid that it was something that was going to be a HUGE thing to break, but somehow he weaned himself and it morphed into a snuggle at the breast against my clothes and then he was just as content snuggling and being cuddled to sleep. I'm now trying to figure out how long I can let this go on (he's going to day care in 2 months) :-/
Some friends just got us Dr. Sears' Fussy Baby Book, which is about "high needs" kids up to 5 - I haven't read much but a lot of it seems to be about kids who hate being put down, which sounds like Blaine! Might be worth checking out if you haven't already.
Faith has a thing about one particular song (about a bear and it drives me nuts at this point) and she'll fall asleep or calm down if I sing that to her. At this point, I hate bears and singing :)
Love the garden!!
Following you now!
hm I didn't know it had a cool name. NTS... Yeah it's what I do and I didn't even know I was doing it. Or she uses the soother. Hey, whatever works...
I still NSTS (nurse Sadie to sleep) ALL the time. It is easy, convenient and it works. We have also tried a blankie a teddy bear and other things (some of which work, some of the time) but the good old boob, that works all the time. I wouldn't worry about it. Sadie has just (in the last couple weeks) started letting us lay her down without waking up and needing nursed. I attribute it to the fact that due to her walking everywhere and being so busy she just gets more tired now. Maybe when Blaine starts walking he will do the same. At any rate... sounds like you guys have a good system that works for you, and that is the most important thing.
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