Nothing warms my heart more than a baby playing in the dirt! :)
O.K. another techie blog question. I want to make my pictures wider, and I read somewhere to go into where it says "edit html" and change the numbers there. I went from 400px by 300px to 600 x 450 and then the pictures looked wide but blurry. Help!
He's into everything :)
As for your pics, you will probably want to make them larger in your photoediting software so that you don't stretch them...thus the blurriness. Also, in dashboard, once you put your picture in, you can click it, and a little bar will come up and you can choose small, large, etc. Try that maybe.
Also, I have a fun giveaway on my blog, you should come enter! The original post and comments were lost, so I'm asking everyone to make sure they enter again!
Blaine looks like he has a blast outside! I love looking at his pictures!! I hope Logan enjoys being outside as much.
Does he eat dirt? I can't get Faith to NOT eat the dirt, but I know she'd love to play in it!
I can't wait for my grandson to get old enough to spend time with us out in the garden, with our horses, and just being a kid!
As for the photos. Resize the images you to the size you want in your photo program (I use Infranview, and it is free), then make sure you check the right size you want when you post to your blog. If you have any trouble, give me a shout!
I'm already following you on GFC, look for the girl on the black horse with a white horse in the pic as well.
I use VuePro and size them down from the original size but they are still very large and wide. Then I go to Blogger and click upload. They give me three options: small, medium, and large. I think even on large they size them down during the upload so when I get into doing the html thing to try to make them larger they get distorted. Maybe I have to embed the images from flicker or something like that and bypass blogger? I think what I'm facing is a blogger issue but I know other people with blogspot blogs who have big photos. I'll have to ask them!!
ah this sort of explains why it is happening. but i tried his tricks and it didnt work. http://www.bloggertricks.com/2009/06/hack-how-to-post-larger-hq-images-in.html
Looks like he loves it outside!! That's awesome!! He is so cute!!
What a sweet little helper!
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