On one hand, I feel like a failure. Overdue library book, late homework, failed quiz grade type of feeling. The books say 50% of babies are overdue, but in my circle, I can only name 3 people who went overdue with their kids! No one in my immediate family, that is for sure!
On the other hand, I feel like I reached this super exciting milestone that not everyone even reaches! LIKE I SHOULD CELEBRATE!! Plus the fact that I'm still getting loads of sleep is pretty darn nice too :).
Thought it'd be nice to take a journey through photos at this point:
13 weeks:20 weeks:
30 Weeks:
40 weeks:
I go to the doctor today so we'll see how that goes. I have a feeling the scale will hit a number I never thought it could (LOL) thanks to Wilbur staying in there longer than I thought he would. Hehe.
Back home from doctor!! I WEIGH 172 LBS (gahhhhhhh), low blood pressure, Wilbur's heartbeat in the 140's, 3 cm dilated, 80% effaced. Induction scheduled for 7/22 with my fav doctor; thank goodness no one thinks it'll come to that. Wilbur can come out 7/15 if he'd like because that is the other day that my fav doctor is on call :).
Happy 40 weeks - it is worth celebrating! Hope the appointment goes well...
Hey here you are! Welcome to my world of forty weeks (times four for me!) Who knows maybe he is just getting ready to be the ultimate oldest child - you know, those children who alllways do the right thing and come exactly when they are supposed to! I had fun catching up on all your posts I've missed since being busy with our pathetic Market Garden and helping with my friend's incredible wedding for her daughter. Even though Wilbur is "late" it looks as if you are holding up well and having fun. Good luck at your appointment!
You have such a cute belly button! :D How nice to have those pictures to reflect on. I wish I did that!
Definitely celebrate. I think your mom should make you a batch of peanut butter magic middles, for sure. You deserve it! :) My mom waited until the last possible day to have me (C-section), so if I ever have kids, I fully expect to join you in the Made It To 40 Weeks Club!
I hope your appointment goes well!! If my little guy isn't here by Monday I'll join you in the "We made it to 40 weeks club". I think you're right, celebrate it!! Not everyone is pregnant for 40 weeks!! These final weeks are for brain growth and development so just think about how much smarter Wilbur is than babies born before 40 weeks.
I think you've just given him such a nice place to grow that he wants to stay! Maybe tomorrow....
Hoping Wilbur decides 7/15 would make a super birthday!! It's good to know they don't think you'll make it to your induction day.
Wilber is just so happy in there, he doesn't want to come out! Time for the eviction notice. At least you aren't super uncomfortable or huge! At all. I hit 172 lbs with both of my guys, and (almost) 3 months later I'm down to 146 - it isn't that hard to get it off :)
I can't wait to see pictures and hear the name you settled on!
Janelle, That makes me feel SOO MUCH BETTER! You are the picture of athletic / healthy to me. See, 170 was a number I didn't think I'd break; my mom gained 65 lbs with pregnancy but likes to tell me that she never saw 170. And my mother-in-law gained 12 lbs in pregnancy. I'M SURROUNDED BY FREAKISHLY SKINNY PEOPLE! I told my mom I gained 3 lbs between week 39 and week 40 and all she could say was, "well you've been eating a lot". I HAVE NOT BEEN EATING A LOT!! (I just remind myself that she wouldn't know b/c she never had a baby go full term haha).
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