Maela Helen was born 2 days early (!!) on 8-31 at 4:32 pm. She was 8 lbs 2 oz.
At 12:30 pm I was feeling a bit "weird" and called Nick at work to tell him I thought we would have a baby in the next 48 hours.
By 12:50 pm I called him back telling him to "come home if he wasn't too busy".
We got to the hospital at 3 pm and by time they checked me at 3:45 pm, I was 10 cm dilated. Yikes! No time for an epidural! TRIPLE YIKES!
She is a sweet sweet baby who I hope turns into just as big of a sweetheart as her brother in time. Poor kid had to help me through labor from 0 cm to 10 cm, then deal with me having a 103.3 fever 5 days later, and then another fever a few weeks later. He brings me his first aid kit and tells me to put medical tape where it hurts. Haha! Love that little guy. How did I get so lucky with these amazing kids?!