Zero updates what-so-ever in the Wilbur department. (Major TMI: I do walk around the house and check my underpants waaaay too much to see if my water is breaking or if the bloody show is coming or if more mucus plug is coming out. Worse than waiting on a late period! LOL.).
Bet I caught your eye with that headline! Tomorrow I'm headed to the hopital with my bag in the back seat in case (how convienent would labor then the be?!) because "someone I know**" is having a mastectomy.
**I BEG AND PLEAD TO YOU: DO NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT INVESTIGATE WHO THIS SOMEONE IS! Especially if you know me in real life (GEORGE). LOL. I would be murdered for "blogging" this. (She doesn't know about this blog either obviously or I'd really be dead!). haha.
This someone is a very strong lady who didn't even want to tell her mother OR daughter what was going on until after the surgery is over. I begged her and told her that she NEEDED to tell them, and she did, but gossip spread wayyyy more than she'd like and she is frustrated now with how many people know (church, cousins, etc).
She is my hero because she beat cancer in 2001 with a mastectomy and chemo and now that "precancerous cells" were found in the other breast, she really wishes the doctors would have honored her request 9 years ago and "taken them both off" like she wanted. However, she isn't angered or discouraged about the situation. Hopefully this surgery will be a quick fix and she'll never have to worry about anything again! Like she said, "The surgery was the easy part last time!!" So hopefully the surgery goes well and she'll be home the next day and not have to worry about any further treatment like she did last time.
So say a prayer for "someone" tomorrow and I just bet she'll have a quicker recovery if she has a Wilbur to meet afterwards :).
I wish her all the luck with her surgery!! What a strong and brave lady to want to do it all alone. I'm sure she's so glad to have you by her side!! Maybe the hospital smells will entice Wilbur to exit. :)
Will be thinking of her - hopefully her progressive stance will save her the stress of treatments this time.
Maybe just being near hospital will encourage Wilbur to make an appearance...
I'm sorry you're still waiting on Wilbur. But I'm glad you are able to be there for your friend. What a trying thing to go through. I'm sure it means a lot to her that you can be there.
Im sorry to hear about your friend and hope everything goes wonderful for her.......I did have to laugh at you specifically telling my dad not to be nosey!
The title made me think you had just strong armed your doc into doing something drastic!!! Glad to hear you are hanging in there and takin' care of your friend.
A small prayer said and hoping for the best!
Been thinkin' about you girlie! Sure hope Wilbur is here by now. I'm watching for a post, and praying that all is well, with you, Wilbur and your dear friend.
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