Saturday, January 1, 2011


Well pretty much my whole blog-reader is filled with people's entries about their goals / resolutions. I've never made a resolution before and I've never had the want to lose weight before.


I stayed very active during my pregnancy hiking / biking (even on my due date) / gardening and everyone said I looked small for being as pregant as I was. Heck even the doctors said my baby belly "measured small" and were dumbfounded when a 8 lb 11 oz babe popped out.

I was told that by breastfeeding the pounds would disappear with no problem and I figured combined with running, I'd be back to normal in no time.


I haven't even lost one pound since August 10th and I've been running since September. I think what it comes down to is what I'm eating. I am starving ALLLL THE TIME and I definitely have a sweet tooth. So my 2011 goal is to eat much less dessert and much more healthy food. Keep up the running and dedicate at least one nap to some sort of exercise. I have 13 more pounds to lose to get to my prepregnancy weight and I'm going to post that number all over the house to remind myself not to stress-eat so many reeses cups! :)


Tammy said...

Good Luck!!! My weakness is sweets too! I can't help it. I tell myself everyday "no sweets!" It doesn't work. I have no self control!
You will do awesome!!!

Kari said...

I hear ya on the starving all the time thing. I think it's the nursing. I've never been this hungry before in my life. I too make poor nutritional decisions. I bought tons of Halloween candy on sale after Halloween and then did the same just now after Christmas. Good luck with your goal, it helps to have a target. We're hoping when we start solids since we're doing baby led weaning it will force us to eat healthier, since LD will be eating what we eat.

Claire {Beaktweets} said...

my goal is to cut down on sweets too. i've lost my pregnancy weight, but my body just isn't the same. my tummy is quite squishy :)

Kristin {Sea Cow Circus} said...

I've sworn off candy for January ... I was going to swear off baked goods and gelato, too, but I loooovvveeee them, and I made lactation cookies, so I'd be screwed there! Good luck with your journey - you are not alone :)

Janelle said...

9 months up, 9 months down. Hide the candy and you'll drop those last 13 no problem! Nursing does make you famished, I have travel with peanut butter in my purse. Seriously.

Courtney said...

Being consistent is key! You can do this!