Thursday, February 24, 2011

EC on Good Morning America

My aunt-in-law saw this on TV! Although I'm not a fan of the story (it is sooo ridiculous), it is cool that a 4 month old went potty for the cameras! I could totally see it having gone the other way and them saying, "When we turned out cameras on, the baby wouldn't perform" and hint towards the fact that EC is crazy and doesn't work.


Kara said...

I have to admit that EC is pretty mind blowing when you see it happen. I never thought it actually worked :)

Elizabeth said...

Good grief! I think it is so sad/funny that moms will "war" over anything and everything...

Semi Crunchy Momma said...

I totally stole the link and put it on my blog as well! I however stole it off babycenter, but I think you posted it there!

I'm so excited ec is getting some attention! People think I'm crazy, and even my dr hadn't heard of it, she thought my lo was a genius!

Diana @ frontyardfoodie said...

Oh gosh that video made me angry! I couldn't even finish it!

I've been using EC with my baby from birth and it's nothing about pressure! They're making it seem like we're punishing our kids by keeping them out of soaking diapers then I don't know about this society!

My son loves potty time and is happiest after he's gone!

Anyway, I feel like I'm about to start getting all ranty up in here so I gotta get off!

Christa said...

I say whatever works for a Mama is the thing to do. There shouldn't be so much competition. Every baby is different, every Mama is different and every situation is different. I am intrigued by the idea though...Thanks for the link.