Wilbur got his first international gift the other day!! Straight from Slovenia. I guess they call this thing "Floki" and it is a Slovienian made stuffed puppy. It is from a woman pumpkin grower over that I've traded pumpkin seeds with before. I love suprises in the mailbox and this one being for Wilbur and all, made me smile that much more. YAY!
That is so sweet and so awesome. :) I love when baby gets presents too! I don't ever need presents for myself again. Ok, maybe once in a while.
How cute! are you allowed to send seeds oversees???
So cool to be getting gifts for Wilbur from afar - it will be a great story to tell him as he gets older!
erika, I PLEAD THE 5th! i hope no international postage workers read this blog :). lol.
but yes and no we are allowed! i label them "gardening supplies" because some countries are weird about seeds (mostly tomato seeds though). i've had a few packages destroyed but most make it there.
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