This was tough! I had to get out my old photos on CD's to find 2002. I had a "summer 2002" folder and this was in it even though it is a late september photo. This contest is hosted here and is a fun weekly thing I like doing. I still lived with my parents in 2002 and this is their house. I can't believe the basketball hoop was still there!! It blew over numerous times and finally broke.
I used summer 2002 and the 25th photo.
Are those pumpkins real? Great picture.
Those are some pupkins, we never get anything that size in the UK, although i'm growing my own this year.....
Too funny...I just left a post with a rainbow on my blog. Thanks for the comment about the picture. That is my husband on the horse. Wow!!! Your pumpkins are incredible!!! The squash too. I can only hope to get one as large.
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