Monday, March 14, 2011


Well if you were wondering how my decision came out, I had a discussion that very evening with my mom and husband. In less than 5 minutes, we all agreed three votes to zero, that I will not watch the other child this spring.

Thanks so much for all your comments! I don't think watching the other baby would empower me or make me feel stronger as a woman, but I do think it would make me GO INSANE! [I'm not a superhuman!]. Money wasn't a factor. Perhaps Blaine would learn a bit from the other baby, [or perhaps the other baby would learn from Blaine since Blaine rolled over, and crawled first LOL], but he already plays with a 10 month old up the street pretty regularly and gets social time that way.

So I will continue to enjoy Blaine one-on-one because my maternity leave is only for two years and then I'll be back to making the big bucks (haha riiiiight) and missing my baby like crazy.


Elizabeth said...

Glad the decision was so easy and quick! And I think you made the right one :)

Christa said...

I have been wondering what the decision would be. I am sure either way you would have made it work...but I agree, I think you made the right decision...

Kara said...

It sounds like you made the right decision for your family!

Kate said...

Wow - you're a much faster decision maker than I am! I'd have pondered this for days.... Glad it went well for yoU!

George said...

You made the decision I would have made for your family - Good choice!!!! :)

Cheyenne said...

Glad you were able to make the best decision for you---I think I would for sure go the same route. Soak up your time with sweet lil Blaine while you can. Hooray!