He went potty on vacation very well, even for my parents who watched him during the day while I attended the seminar. For some reason, now that we are home I have him back in cloth diapers during the day and he seems to want to POOP in the cloth diapers?!! This kid has only pooped in his diaper maybe once in the whole last month but then 3 times in the past 2 days. HRMPH. I think it is his way of telling me he hates the thick bulky cloth diaps. That kid is stubborn and knows how to get his way in MANY aspects of life! It is going to be a tough go at parenting him. ;)
aww I love it! Isn't EC fun?
I've read quite a bit about EC lately, but I don't think we can swing it because he'll be in day care full time in a few months. It's definitely a very interesting concept.
That is such a cute picture :)
That's funny that he's letting you know how he feels about the cloth! We have a strong willed one too!
EC is wonderful! I totally appreciate you writing about it so that I have an idea that people are actually doing it instead of just reading about it. With us, I usually get the pees but it's still a bit hit and miss for the poops. This morning I got a big poop in the sink but there is bound to be another stirring and usually I miss at least one of the morning poos. Sometimes Miss Gabrielle is very sneaky in her pooping.
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