I bought this WeeRide Kangaroo Carrier on craigslist and it just figures that it didn't fit my bike. Well a month later, and a trip by my mom to get the "old crappy Walmart bike" from my sister, Blaine had his first ride. Most things that involve sitting and being strapped in turn out nightmarish. However, this was different and surprisingly, HE LOVED IT! Now I just hope Nick can either get the seat to fit my bike after all, or he can fix up the Walmart bike a bit because the brakes are grabby and it is a tough bike to pedal.
Looking good Blaine!! Glad he loved it!! We were going to get one of those for LD but the pedi said absolutely not until after he's a year old. :(
I have read the "wait until a year old" thing because of neck support, etc. However, riding on pavement is waaaay less bumpy then taking him in a running stroller on the towpath (something we've done for months now). Plus he's 11 months next week and that's pretty close to a year, right? ;)
That is SO COOL - I want! Especially now that Austin can ride...would be so much better than the trailer...
That's awesome he loved it! We have a seat that goes on the back of the bike that we got from a family member to use next year.
It's interesting that there seems to be a lot of variability in when pediatrician's okay certain things. We got the go ahead to use the jogging stroller from our new pedi based on Logan's size and head control, but our old one had a standard answer for all parents of at least 5 months.
Sorry I wasn't insinuating that you are reckless. I know you read up on these things for sure.
I agree that it's funny that there is so much variability in what pedi's say is ok. Ours said no jogging stroller before 1 year either. Yet to me a jogging stroller with nice air tires is much smoother than a lot of other strollers out there. And when I'm wearing LD in the Ergo it seems like he's getting a lot of bouncing and shaking...so wouldn't that be worse than a smooth jog or paved bike ride? *shrug*
Kari, I really do think Diana was spot on! And you too with the Ergo comparison! And something even crazier is that advice you get from the exact same pediatricians office can vary nurse to nurse too if you just call with a question. I've never had to call (my MIL is the one who would pick up the phone anyways; and her cell is on speed-dial, even at midnight, LOL) but I hear from her some things her colleagues tell patients who call in with questions such as: can we take baby on vacation, etc. One nurse said about the vacation: "absolutely not. having baby out of airconditioning would be DEADLY". My MIL was like, "wow than my grandson would be dead because his house isn't airconditioned". LOL.
What it really does come down to is: You are the parent and you know your child. If you think LD can go in the jogging stroller, than take him in the jogging stroller! I know you love and trust your pedi but seriously I'm with you; that seems a bit extreme. It is a stroller! It isn't like you are taking him on a roller coaster or a motorcycle! ;) Every baby is different on when they gain head control, etc, and sometimes I just think medical professionals play it "safe" to account for all cases so they won't get sued.
That's great that he liked it so much. This seat looks way safer than those trailer types that you pull behind the bike. I used one of those while babysitting and was so afraid of smashing the kid into something. But then I never ride bikes so I'm scared of hitting things in general.
Love this idea!!! I wish they made a double...
he looks so cute in his little seat. we have a trailer i'm dying to use with meredith. i hink she'll love it. glad blaine liked his seat!
Just wanted to say I'm a new follower from Toddle Along Tuesday!
That is so cool!
We have one of those and Eli LOVES it! Glad Blaine likes it, too!
Hey Hey I found your blog from the blog hop on Growing Up Geeky! Nice to meet you. I'm your newest follower.
Fun! We're debating on a bike trailer for Thad right now.
I'm following from Toddle Along Tuesday - feel free to follow back.
p.s. Love the pics below of your little guy on the tractor - too cute! Oh and I teach high school too. =)
I've never seen a bike seat that lets them sit in front, but that's so much better than making them stare at your back the whole time!
Following you from Toddle Along Tuesday. Super cute pic!
Oh my goodness this is one of the coolest things I've seen! What a great idea.
Thanks for linking up to Toddle Along Tuesday at Growing Up Geeky! I'm your newest follower via GFC :)
Hi! New follower from Toddle Along Tuesday
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